Elderberry for what Ails Ya

Seems like its going around again- the dreaded winter cold and flu.  A mild touch of it over the holiday was quickly nipped by faithfully downing my elderberry, garlic, and getting extra sleep. Here's my favorite recipe for Elderberry Syrup My favorite elder syrup includes the berries and flowers, plus stimulating, warming spices to improve absorption andcirculation.  I prefer … Continue reading Elderberry for what Ails Ya

Sacred Wisdom from the Plants Newsletter

Coming in 2013- Stay tuned for details on how to sign up! Sacred wisdom from the plants delivered to your e mail bi-monthly. ♥ Sign up to get updated about the upcoming newsletters! Sacred Plant Wisdom Newsletter This year I'm so excited to be offering the Sacred Plant Wisdom Newsletter- a twice a month subscription … Continue reading Sacred Wisdom from the Plants Newsletter

Sweet Honey Swirling…

The last few weeks have had me brewing up lovely spicy herbal chai, or root brews in my little crockpot, and staying warm with hot beverages and soups. It's been cold in the desert... I've also been working closely with a private mentorship student this fall- exploring medicine making techniques, flower essences, wildcrafting and botany. … Continue reading Sweet Honey Swirling…