Astro Herbalism Online Course


NEW-Astro-Herb-Thumbnail-smallHave you ever wondered about the connections between astrology and herbalism, the plants and planets, people and health and their souls?  My good friend and colleague, Sajah Popham of the School of Evolutionary Herbalism just opened up registration for his online program, Astro-Herbalism. I’ve never quite seen a program like this that bridges together herbalism and astrology like this, and goes into an incredible amount  of detail. I took the course several years ago and it blew my mind!  There’s over 40 hours of video training that takes you step by step through each planet and sign of the zodiac and their relationships to people and plants on all levels- from the physical and chemical, to the more subtle esoteric and spiritual levels.


He’s also got some awesome bonuses that go along with it, like his Elemental Herbalism Audio Course, a Medical Astrology Crash Course, and an Esoteric Astrology Lecture Series.

Click this link to check it out

For any of you that buy the program by clicking the link above, I’ll be offering you a few extras as well, such as the entire Sacred Plant Wisdom series, a free E- Book Herbal Indulgences, and the Chakras & Plants E Course!

Thanks so much everyone, I hope you’ll check it out. This program is only open until Saturday!

Check out the Astro Herbalism Online Program now!


One thought on “Astro Herbalism Online Course

  1. Hi Darcey. I am in Kris Vaughn’s Western Herbalism course and you are teaching this weekend. While writing my materia medica I came across a book I purchased some time ago in Flagstaff and it turns out it is your Herbal Indulgences.
    I’m very excited for class on Saturday and so ready to hear what you have to teach. Thank you for your time this Saturday.

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